Monday, September 28, 2009

Stone Weirdness

This stone just appeard in the Ninja Hide out! Now THIS is a mystery. Maybe
Sensei wrote something behind it or the writing is hidden on the front? Or..
maybe Sensei wrote in invisible ink lol. Like as i said, many mysteries in the
Hide out right now. I know the answers will come. (eventually!!)

The Element floor :)

The new tiles has been inserted now. It is pretty cool! My guess is we follow the
fire path and we can go into the new CP room. Then there will be a members
room and the members has to have the Ninja Amulet (Thanks to Saraaprils
info) to get in the members room, and the room might be like another dojo
or another training room. So many mysterys are depending on these tiles!!
So many questions... Well, us penguins might find out the answers sooner
or later. (I HOPE!) I can't stand it! I WANNA KNOW NOW!!!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Igloo Catalog Cheats

This is the latest cheat in the Igloo Catalog. To get the piano, click the booth

speaker (which I have circled for u) to get the piano. Here is a picture for u.

My Best Friend Foreva!

This is my best friend forever! 88ir was one of the first penguins I
ever met since i came to CP!! Shes a super sweet gal. We share everything
from good memories to sad, happiness to fights and everything! Shes an
amazing BFF. We have always given compliments to each other. She rocks
my friend world LOLZ!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Yesterday i got this DS game for my First Day of School Aniversary. ( LOL weird
right?!) I already finished mission 1, 2, 3 and 4. Pretty easy at first lolz. It's
awesome for me! I wish we could transfer the CP EPF clothes to our penguin
account. That would be kool as!!! Its a fun DS game.

Dead Dudes? (Fake LOL)

Dead dudes??! LOL fake. They look totally DEAD don't ya think?? I took
this pic when they were dancing and they went low. Hahaha pretty funny!
I went over and stood there. LOLZ!!! I took this as a random post heh.

Volcano Spotted :O

Very interesting.... A VOLCANO AAAAH!!! Amazing huh? Just like in
Pompei lolz. This is spotted at the Dojo Courtyard. This is causing the
"orange sky"! Creepy..